Out for a walk in the Borders I noticed a dry stone wall enclosing a wood. To me they looked like corralled ents, stretching ther limbs out to freedom. They are vaguely threatening, massive and held back by such a low wall, dark forms, densely packed. OK it's a bit "out there" but I think you need to use your imagination if you are going to try to make an interesting image. i'm not saying taht anyone else will see the ents, but so long as I, as the photographer do, some of that interest may be created and others can interpret it in their own way.
So what about just creating a pretty scene? Does it have to tell a story. Well, it can do both. Here is an image I took on a trip into the Bathgate hills last summer - it shows the warmth of the evening, and it tells a story at least to me. It reminds me of quite times alone in the hills, a place where I am happy and it reminds me now, in the depth of winter, how it felt to have the sun shine on my face. The story is a memory to me and hopefully it imparts an emotional response in others.